PowerManage Platform

PowerManage de Visonic es una plataforma de gestión de servicios exclusiva que permite a los centros de vigilancia visionar, gestionar y controlar los sistemas de seguridad Visonic. Un receptor todo en uno, el centro de gestión técnica y la plataforma de servicio interactiva, PowerManage funciona con hardware estándar de servidor profesional y con probadas tecnologías web.

  • Can be hosted and installed by the customer on their local premises or on JCI cloud platform. Two hardware-configurations are available:
  • PowerManage High-End (HP) handles up to 100,000 alarm systems
  • PowerManage Lite (DELL) handles up to 10,000 alarm systems
  • Easy-to-use web interface with accounts for administrators, technical staff, shift administrators, and IT managers
  • Secured communication using HTTPS protocol
  • Flexible grouping of control panels allows for easy management and configuration
  • Visual verification of alarms allows monitoring stations to identify false alarms
  • Technical-support system facilitates control and tuning of intrusion equipment
  • Cluster redundancy deployment configuration – The servers back each other up and can be located in geographically distant locations
  • Web based solution: no need for software installation on operators’ client PCs
  • Enables programming of the PowerMaster panels over IP or cellular network
  • Supports all Visonic IP communicators – cellular and broadband
  • Allows PowerLink end-users to connect to their security system without the need for a fixed IP address
  • Supports PowerLink3.1 as an IP communicator
  • Allows software personalization through addition of a logo
  • Allows automatic Remote Routine Inspection (RRI) of the remote alarm system
  • Provides enhanced reporting system for alarms, device status and test results
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